Welcome to Inyene Agro’s internal website for vendors, where you can obtain information to assist with managing your relationship with Inyene Agro and it’s affiliates (each and collectively, “Inyene Agro”, “we”, “us” or “our”). Any person or entity (“Vendor”, “you” or “your”) who wants to supply Products (as defined in Section 1) to Inyene Agro or access or use this website must accept these Vendor Terms and Conditions (“Agreement”) without change. BY REGISTERING FOR OR OTHERWISE USING THIS WEBSITE, YOU



 1. Purchase Orders and Pricing: This Agreement governs our purchase of Products from you. “Products” means all goods provided to Inyene Agro, including their packaging. We are not obligated to purchase Products, and you are not obligated to sell Products, until you accept a purchase order (“PO”). You will not substitute Products or combine or consolidate POs without our consent. Terms specified in PO confirmations or other communications sent by you to us are not binding unless agreed to in writing by both parties. Documents that we sign acknowledging receipt of Products do not constitute acceptance of the Products. We may modify or cancel POs without penalty before you deliver Products to the carrier. The PO provides Product prices and payment terms and may include discounts or rebates. Purchasing terms, coop, allowances, discounts, rebates or other funding, to the extent not reflected in the PO, will be set forth in Program Policies or separate agreements (“Additional Terms”), each of which is incorporated into this Agreement. Prices include any commissions and other charges, unless otherwise noted. 

2. Product, Product Images/Information: On an ongoing basis, you will provide us, free of charge, physical products as required for inspection before sale and current Product information, including electronic images and any Product information or warnings required by law to be disclosed in any sale or advertisement of the Product (“Product Information”) Product Information also includes any Product information collected by us from your website, or otherwise made available to us by you (or by a third party at your direction). You grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable and royalty-free license to: (a) use, copy, display, perform, and distribute the Product Information on or in connection with any online or offline point of presence, mobile application, service or feature; (b) excerpt, reformat, adapt or otherwise create derivative works of the Product Information; (c) use all trademarks or trade names included in the Product

 Information; and (d) sublicense any of the foregoing rights to third parties in connection with our programs or services (for example, to advertise your Products). You will promptly provide all information regarding safety, compliance, industry standards or testing related to your Products (“Product Safety Information”) that we reasonably request.  

 3. Representations, Warranties, and Covenants: You represent, warrant, and covenant on an ongoing basis that: (a) the Products are genuine and free from defects; (b) all materials and other items incorporated into the Products are new (not refurbished or reconditioned), unless you have received our prior written consent otherwise; (c) the Product Information, Product Safety Information, packaging, and labeling is true, accurate and complete; (d) the Products, Product Information, and our exercise of our license rights in this Agreement, will not violate any third party rights, including intellectual property rights; (e) you will comply with all applicable laws and rules relating to the Products (including obtaining and maintaining any permits or licenses required to manufacture, distribute, sell, export, import or otherwise deal in any Product), and the Products, Product Information, packaging, labeling, export, and import documentation (if applicable) will comply with all applicable laws and rules; (f) the Products may be lawfully marketed, stored, sold, distributed, and disposed of without restriction (e.g., no required disclosures, licenses, or registrations) other than any specific restrictions or prohibitions you disclose and we consent to in writing in advance of shipment to us. (g) no Product is, or contains ingredients that are, regulated as a controlled drug or substance, or is listed as a regulated chemical; (h) no Products will be provided to us that are regulated as a hazardous or dangerous product or material, except as expressly permitted under applicable Program Policies or you disclose to us and we consent to in writing in advance of shipment to us; and (i) the Products were produced, manufactured, assembled, and packaged in compliance with all applicable labor, wage, and hour laws and rules in Nigeria, and no Products were produced, manufactured, assembled, or packaged by forced, prison or child labor (defined as age 15 or the minimum working age within the applicable jurisdiction, whichever is older); (j) you and your financial institution(s) are not subject to sanctions or otherwise designated on any list of prohibited or restricted parties or owned or controlled by such a party.

 4. Product Returns; Effect of Remedies; Product Recalls and Safety Alerts: We may return or dispose of at your expense, and you will accept and reimburse us for, any Product (a) that is defective, (b) that does not conform to agreed specifications or to samples, (c) that is subject to recall or safety alert by a government authority or the Product’s manufacturer or distributor or that we otherwise reasonably determine poses a safety risk to customers, (d) that was not ordered in the applicable PO, (e) for which you fail to promptly provide Product Safety Information upon our reasonable request, or (f) that does not comply with this Agreement. You will cooperate with the return or disposal of any Products under this Section. Title and risk of loss for all Products returned under this Agreement will pass to you upon delivery by us to the carrier. Except to the extent we otherwise agree in writing, we may also return to you or dispose of any Product that is damaged; you will accept any such return and reimburse us for the Product and any cost of return or disposal. Payment of an invoice does not limit our remedies. You will provide us with immediate written notice of any Product recall or safety alert. You are responsible for costs we incur in a recall or safety alert and for providing any required notices, information, and documents to applicable authorities or that are otherwise necessary for carrying out the recall or safety alert. 

 5. Vendor Defense and Indemnification: You will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Inyene Agro, its affiliated companies, and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents (the “Inyene Agro Parties”) against any third party claim, liability, loss, damage, cost or expense (including reasonable legal fees) (each, a “Claim”, and collectively, the “Claims”) incurred by any Inyene Agro Party arising from or relating to: (a) any death of or injury to any person, damage to any property or any other damage or loss related to any Product; (b) any Product recall or safety alert; (c) any infringement or misappropriation of any third party rights, including intellectual property rights, by any Product, Product Information, or other content you provide to us; (d) your negligence or intentional misconduct; (e) your breach of this Agreement; (f) any Product-related issue for which you or we are strictly liable; or (g) your failure to state accurate Product Information, or to promptly provide accurate Product Safety Information upon our reasonable request. However, with respect to the foregoing indemnity obligations, you will not be obligated to indemnify Inyene Agro Parties to the proportional extent the liability for a Claim is caused by the negligence or intentional misconduct of that Inyene Agro Party as determined by a final, non-appealable order of a court having jurisdiction. You will not consent to the entry of a judgment or settle any Claim without the Inyene Agro Parties’ prior written consent, which may not be unreasonably withheld. You will use counsel reasonably satisfactory to the Inyene Agro Parties, and the Inyene Agro Parties will cooperate in the defense at your expense. If any Inyene Agro Party reasonably determines that any Claim might have an adverse effect, that Inyene Agro Party may take control of the defense at its expense (without limiting your indemnification obligations). Your obligations under this Section 5 are independent of your other obligations under this Agreement.


  7. Shipping: The parties will agree which party is responsible for managing and paying for transportation of Products to us. When we pay for transportation, you will deliver the Products to the Inyene Agro-designated carrier and title and risk of loss for the Products will pass to us when you deliver the Products to the carrier (for domestic shipments) or when the Products are cleared for export and delivered to the carrier at the port of export (for international shipments). When you pay for transportation, title and risk of loss for the Products will pass to us when we accept the Products. Except to the extent that we agree otherwise, you or your designated agent will be the importer or exporter of record, as applicable, on all cross-border transfers, returns, and other shipments of Products between you and us, will not list us as the importer or exporter on any import, export or other customs documentation, and will ensure that all cross-border transfers, Product returns and other shipments comply with all import, export, and other applicable laws and regulations. Under no circumstances will we be the exporter of record for cross-border shipments of Products from you to us. As the importer and exporter of record, you or your designated agent will be responsible for payment of any taxes, duties or fees, and will be responsible for all required recordkeeping, registration, reporting, and licensing. If we expressly agree to act as the importer or exporter of record, you will prepare and submit all documents required to export Products or to bring, distribute, and sell those Products in the destination country, you represent and warrant that all documents and the information contained in such documents are complete, accurate, and up to date, and you will pay any additional fees or charges due to insufficient or incorrect documentation. We will incur no liability arising from any assistance we provide in preparing any documentation or otherwise.

  8. Confidential Information; Publicity: You will, and will cause your affiliates and employees to, (a) protect and not disclose information that is identified as confidential or that reasonably should be considered confidential to us; (b) use this information only to fulfill your obligations under this Agreement; and (c) promptly return to us or destroy this information when this Agreement terminates. This Section 9 covers all confidential information regardless of when you receive it. You will not, without our prior written agreement, use any trademark, service mark, commercial symbol, or other proprietary right of Inyene Agro, issue press releases or other publicity relating to Inyene Agro or this Agreement, or refer to Inyene Agro in promotional materials. If we authorize you to use any of our trademarks, you will comply with any Program Policies related to such use, including any trademark guidelines. 

10. Miscellaneous: (a) Taxes: You may charge and we will pay applicable federal, national, state or local sales or use taxes or value added taxes that you are legally obligated to charge (“Taxes”), subject to your provision to us of an invoice that states such Taxes separately and meets the requirements for a valid tax invoice. We may provide you with an exemption certificate or equivalent information acceptable to the relevant taxing authority, in which case you will not charge or collect the Taxes covered by such certificate. We may deduct or withhold any taxes that we may be legally obligated to deduct or withhold from any amounts payable to you under this Agreement, and payment to you as reduced by such amounts will constitute full payment and settlement to you of amounts payable under this Agreement. You will provide us with any forms, documents, or certifications required for us to satisfy any information reporting or withholding tax obligations with respect to any payments under this Agreement.   (b) Choice of Law; Dispute Resolution: This Agreement is governed by the Nigerian Arbitration law without reference to any applicable conflict of laws rules, the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, or any local laws implementing the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods in any jurisdiction where the Products are sold. Any dispute arising out of this Agreement will be resolved by binding arbitration, rather than in court. There is no judge or jury in arbitration, and court review of an arbitration award is limited. However, an arbitrator can award on an individual basis the same damages and relief as a court (including injunctive and declaratory relief or statutory damages), and must follow the terms of this Agreement as a court would. To begin an arbitration proceeding, you must send a letter requesting arbitration and describing your claim. You and we each agree that any dispute resolution proceedings will be conducted only on an individual basis and not in a class, consolidated or representative action. If for any reason a claim proceeds in court rather than in arbitration you and we each waive any right to a jury trial. You and we also both agree that you or we may bring suit in court to enjoin infringement or other misuse of intellectual property rights.  (c) Other: Either party may terminate this Agreement with 60 days’ prior written notice. Regardless of any termination, you will fulfill all POs you accept before the effective date of termination. Section 2 (Product Images/Information), Section 3 (Representations, Warranties, and Covenants), Section 4 (Products Returns; Effect of Remedies; Product Recalls), Section 5 (Vendor Defense and Indemnification), Section 6 (Limitation of Liability); Section 7 (Shipping); Section 8 (Confidential Information; Publicity); Section 9 (Miscellaneous); will survive termination. Any Inyene Agro affiliate may issue a PO under this Agreement, and POs are the separate obligation of the affiliate that issues the PO. With respect to such POs, such affiliate becomes a party to this Agreement and references to Inyene Agro in this Agreement are deemed to be references to such affiliate. You will not assign this Agreement, or any obligation or right (including any right to payment) in the Agreement, without our prior written consent. Our estimates or forecasts are non-binding. We may either withhold and setoff, or demand payment of, any sums you owe us, including any Taxes that we are legally required to withhold from amounts we pay you. We may withhold payment if you have not sent us an appropriate invoice in accordance with the Program Policies. If you do not dispute the amounts we pay you (including amounts we withhold or setoff) within 90 days after such payment (or any shorter period specified in a Program Policy, Additional Terms, or PO), the payment amount will become final and you may not challenge or otherwise object to such payment amount. During the term of this Agreement and for 2 years after its termination, we may request and you will provide copies of your financial records reasonably necessary to verify any transactions related to this Agreement. If you do not respond within a reasonable period after receiving a records verification request, we may deduct any amount we reasonably believe to be due from amounts we pay to you. The parties’ rights and remedies under this Agreement are cumulative. Either party’s failure to enforce any provision will not be a waiver of the party’s rights to subsequently enforce the provision. If any provision is held to be invalid, then that provision will be modified to the extent necessary to make it enforceable, and any invalidity will not affect the remaining provisions. This Agreement incorporates, and you will, and the Products you sell to us will, comply with, the terms, conditions, policies, guidelines, rules and other information (“Program Policies”) on this website, and any other Additional Terms, including any updates to such Program Policies or Additional Terms from time to time. To the extent there is a conflict between this Agreement, the Program Policies, any Additional Terms or a PO, the conflict will be resolved by giving precedence in the order specified in such documents, or if not specified, the following order: this Agreement, the Program Policies, the applicable Additional Terms, and the applicable PO. You may use standard business forms or other communications (such as invoices, confirmations or shipping documents), but use of these forms is for convenience only and will not alter or supersede the provisions of this Agreement, any of our Program Policies, Additional Terms, or POs. Email we send to any email address you have on file with us or that you have otherwise designated will constitute notice from Inyene Agro. This Agreement, including the Program Policies and any Additional Terms, is the entire agreement between Inyene Agro and Vendor for the purchase and sale of Products, and supersedes all prior agreements and discussions. The parties expressly agree that this English language version of this Agreement (including all Program Policies, Additional Terms, and additional terms incorporated by reference or otherwise relating to this Agreement) is definitive and that in the event of any dispute or controversy as to the proper ; Section 8 (Confidential Information; Publicity); Section 9 (Miscellaneous); will survive termination. Any Inyene Agro affiliate may issue a PO under this Agreement, and POs are the separate obligation of the affiliate that issues the PO. With respect to such POs, such affiliate becomes a party to this Agreement and references to Inyene Agro in this Agreement are deemed to be references to such affiliate. You will not assign this Agreement, or any obligation or right (including any right to payment) in the Agreement, without our prior written consent. Our estimates or forecasts are non-binding. We may either withhold and setoff, or demand payment of, any sums you owe us, including any Taxes that we are legally required to withhold from amounts we pay you. We may withhold payment if you have not sent us an appropriate invoice in accordance with the Program Policies. If you do not dispute the amounts we pay you (including amounts we withhold or setoff) within 90 days after such payment (or any shorter period specified in a Program Policy, Additional Terms, or PO), the payment amount will become final and you may not challenge or otherwise object to such payment amount. During the term of this Agreement and for 2 years after its termination, we may request and you will provide copies of your financial records reasonably necessary to verify any transactions related to this Agreement. If you do not respond within a reasonable period after receiving a records verification request, we may deduct any amount we reasonably believe to be due from amounts we pay to you. The parties’ rights and remedies under this Agreement are cumulative. Either party’s failure to enforce any provision will not be a waiver of the party’s rights to subsequently enforce the provision. If any provision is held to be invalid, then that provision will be modified to the extent necessary to make it enforceable, and any invalidity will not affect the remaining provisions. This Agreement incorporates, and you will, and the Products you sell to us will, comply with, the terms, conditions, policies, guidelines, rules and other information (“Program Policies”) on this website, and any other Additional Terms, including any updates to such Program Policies or Additional Terms from time to time. To the extent there is a conflict between this Agreement, the Program Policies, any Additional Terms or a PO, the conflict will be resolved by giving precedence in the order specified in such documents, or if not specified, the following order: this Agreement, the Program Policies, the applicable Additional Terms, and the applicable PO. You may use standard business forms or other communications (such as invoices, confirmations or shipping documents), but use of these forms is for convenience only and will not alter or supersede the provisions of this Agreement, any of our Program Policies, Additional Terms, or POs. Email we send to any email address you have on file with us or that you have otherwise designated will constitute notice from Inyene Agro. This Agreement, including the Program Policies and any Additional Terms, is the entire agreement between Inyene Agro and Vendor for the purchase and sale of Products, and supersedes all prior agreements and discussions. The parties expressly agree that this English language version of this Agreement (including all Program Policies, Additional Terms, and additional terms incorporated by reference or otherwise relating to this Agreement) is definitive and that in the event of any dispute or controversy as to the proper interpretation and construction of this Agreement, the English version will prevail. Any versions provided in other languages are for reference purposes only.  

11. Revisions; Continued Use: We reserve the right to change any of the terms of this Agreement, including the terms of any materials incorporated herein (unless otherwise specified by us in such materials), at any time and in our sole discretion. Any changes will be effective upon the earlier to occur of: (a) emailing the revised terms, or notice of such changes, to you at your e-mail address; or (b) posting the revised terms on this website. You are responsible for reviewing any revised terms, and any notices of revisions. YOUR CONTINUED ACCEPTANCE OF PURCHASE ORDERS OR CONTINUED USE OF THIS WEBSITE FOLLOWING OUR E-MAILING OR POSTING OF ANY REVISED TERMS, OR ANY NOTICE OF ANY SUCH REVISIONS, WILL CONSTITUTE YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THE REVISIONS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ANY CHANGES TO THIS AGREEMENT OR THE PROGRAM POLICIES, YOU MUST STOP ACCEPTING PURCHASE ORDERS AND STOP USING THIS WEBSITE, AND GIVE US WRITTEN NOTICE.